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Philemon: Bound and Free

Category: Jesus, Justice, Relationships

July 21, 2019

Scripture: Philemon 1:1-21 (NRSV) There are good ways and not so good ways to work through uncomfortable situations or conflict in our lives. Some unhealthy responses are to avoid, absorb, or attack. Avoiding the situation...

Rock Bottom Turn Around

Scripture Readings: Psalm 139:1-14 (NRSV) John 6:57-69 (NRSV) Rev. John Ross is our guest preacher this Sunday. John provided an insert to accompany his sermon. It includes the full text for the following: The Serenity...

Titus: Grace Dawning From on High

Scripture: Titus 2:11-3:7 (NRSV) We now find ourselves in the book of Titus on our Wayfare through the Word. The word goodness used to describe God our Savior in the Greek language is philanthropia, a...

2 Timothy: Strong in Grace

Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:1-10 (NRSV) In our Wayfare through the Word, we now find ourselves in 2 Timothy. You could almost call the book “2 Timidity.” Timothy’s twin brother in life was timidity: Timothy and...

1 Timothy: The Great Gain of Godliness

Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:6-19 (NRSV) You are what you love. You are what you actually love in your daily habits, not what you think you love. Your desires determine your identity and your destiny. Your desires pave...

2 Thessalonians: Chosen for Salvation

Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17 (NRSV) Grace. Grace always demands the answer of gratitude. One of church history’s greatest theologians Karl Barth said these beautiful words: “Grace and gratitude belong together like heaven and earth. Grace evokes...