Casa Maria Soup Kitchen
Every month, the Deacons of Immanuel coordinate the making and collecting of 500-600 lunches for Casa Maria Soup Kitchen. Read more …
Youth On Their Own
Immanuel’s Deacons also support Youth On Their Own, an incredible organization that supports the high school graduation of homeless youth in Tucson who are in 6th–12th grade (up to age 21). Every year we host a drive to collect the items that YOTO most needs, along with our financial support.
Presbyterian Hunger Program
The Presbyterian Hunger Program works with congregations and partners around the globe to alleviate hunger and eliminate its root causes. In October 2019, Immanuel received a 3-year certification as a “Hunger Action Congregation” by the Presbyterian Hunger Program because of its commitment to hunger relief, education, and advocacy.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA)
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance sends emergency relief to thousands devastated by natural disasters worldwide. Immanuel members have supported disaster relief efforts through PDA following natural disasters such as hurricanes and floods.
Frontera de Cristo
Frontera de Cristo is another of the PBRO sites. Located in the sister cities of Agua Prieta, Sonora and Douglas, Arizona, Frontera de Cristo supports children’s education, ministry to people in recovery, a health ministry, a family ministry, mission education, the New Hope Community Center, a migrant resource center, and the Just Trade Center.
Frontera de Cristo was instrumental in starting the Just Coffee (Café Justo) cooperative which, by paying growers an appropriate price for their organically grown coffee beans, has made it possible for many Mexicans coffee farmers to remain home rather than migrate northward. Just Coffee is available for purchase on Immanuel’s patio every Sunday. Learn more about the cooperative at
Presbyterian Hunger Program

On October 16, 2019 (World Food Day), Immanuel was recognized as a Certified Hunger Action Congregation by the Presbyterian Hunger Program, PC(USA), celebrating the faithful work of Presbyterians responding to the biblical call to alleviate hunger and end its causes.
Out of nearly 10,000 congregations in 172 presbyteries in the PC(USA), 164 churches in 69 presbyteries have become Hunger Action Congregations. Of those, 78 congregations are “certified.”
“Because your congregation is active in all six areas of hunger response, we are honored to bestow on you the special designation of Certified Hunger Action Congregation. We celebrate your ministry! And we will more formally recognize your congregation, along with the growing number of Hunger Action Congregations around the country, on World Food Day (October 16) during the Churches’ Week of Action on Food.”
Immanuel was recognized as a “covenanting” Hunger Action Congregation last year. But by this fall, we had become active in all six of these areas:
1) Hunger Alleviation
2) Development assistance
3) Hunger Education
4) Lifestyle Integrity
5) Corporate and Public Policy Witness
6) Worship