Fellowship Groups
In the book of Acts we read that the believers “broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the goodwill of all the people.”
Acts 2:46-47
Fellowship deepens and strengthens our relationships at Immanuel. Whether it be hanging out, studying the Bible, playing board games, praying for each other, or enjoying meals together, our fellowship groups at Immanuel are a great way to connect the other six days of the week.

Recognize these amazing ladies? Meet the Immanuel Crafters Group! They meet every week and do amazing things! Some of their projects include Senior quilts, prayer shawls and making blankets and quilts for local refugees and charities. All are welcome to join this group no matter your skill level. If you have a different type of craft whether it is drawing, painting or jewelry making – come on over! It is lots of fun and a great time of fellowship too.

- Meets Tuesdays from 10:00am – 12:30pm
- Location: Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Witherspoon Hall
Want a fun way to meet others in the congregation? We are a group of great folks who meet every Tuesday morning to play games (Hand & Foot, Rummikub, Bridge, Mexican Train, and Poker). At noon we have refreshments that we take turns providing. Everyone pitches in $1 a week and once every 6 weeks or so we use that money to furnish a luncheon for everyone.
You do not need to to play. We are happy to have you just come when you can. Interested? Contact Mary Kay Bush at smbush3@gmail.com or (520) 885-0003 for more information.
Presbyterian Women
From local concerns to national engagement, Presbyterian Women (PW), guided by the Holy Spirit, are at work, ever-mindful of PW’s purpose of strengthening the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witnessing to the promise of God’s kingdom.
Presbyterian Women at Immanuel supports Women in Presbytery de Cristo, Synod of the Southwest, and the Church-wide Presbyterian Women’s organization.
Our two Women’s Circles meet once a month for fellowship, study, and prayer. Throughout the year there are other gatherings including meeting with women from other churches at Presbytery de Cristo. All women at Immanuel are members of Presbyterian Women and are encouraged to join one of our two PW Circles, Agape Circle or Lydia Circle.
CONTACT: Sue Anderson at susangeorge3260@msn.com
Read more … > about Presbyterian Women