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Be a Practicing Blessologist

Category: Blessings

March 3, 2024

Numbers 6:22-27 (NRSVue) “The Lord spoke to Moses…Thus shall you bless the people of Israel.” And so we continue this commandment, praying for the blessings of God’s presence, protection, favor, and peace on our brothers...

Letting Go for Dear Life

Category: Calling, Discipleship

February 25, 2024

Scripture: Mark 8:31-38 (NRSVue) Jesus “on the way.” Jesus is on the way to Jerusalem, which means he is forging ahead to Calvary and the cross. Our goal is to have “the dust of the...

A Bow in the Clouds

Category: Lent

February 18, 2024

Genesis 9:8-17 (NRSVue) Forty is a number you often see in Scripture. It rained for forty days and forty nights when Noah, his family, and the animals were in the ark. Moses was a shepherd...

Listen to Him!

Category: Jesus, Transfiguration

February 11, 2024

Scripture: Mark 9:2-9 (NRSVue) The Transfiguration gives us great hope—Jesus’ destiny is our destiny. Like Jesus, we have the promise of being transfigured—shining like the sun. When Jesus’ resurrection glory was foreshadowed in the bright...

Power to the Faint

Category: Comfort, Hope

February 4, 2024

Scripture: Isaiah 40:21-31 (NRSVue) Isaiah says, “God works for those who wait for him.” With an Isaiah 40 faith, when we’re feeling grounded—we trust somehow, some way, we’ll mount up with wings like eagles. With an...