Shimmying Down the Sycamore
Scripture: Luke 19:1-10 (NRSVue)
Luke introduces us to yet another righteous tax-collector: enter the most famous person of short stature in the Bible: Zacchaeus. Jesus keeps reminding us to pay attention and learn from everyone, especially the infamous tax collectors that are easy to “write off.” Jesus cares more about the rejects than his reputation and offers up the right hand of fellowship to the despised and tree-climbing tax collector. Every person Jesus encountered was seen as a person created in God’s image in need of love—no matter their background. Like Jesus, we all need a Zacchaeus. A Zacchaeus is somebody who is not only up a crick, but out on a limb socially, mentally, physically, or economically. The Zacchaeus’s in our lives remind us that we’re also a mixed bag needing God’s grace. It’s not just Zacchaeus… we all fall short no matter how tall we are. But in the end, the “wee little man” Zacchaeus became a spiritual giant who had his own personal reformation because of his encounter with Christ.
October 30, 2022 – Reformation Sunday
8:30am – Alternative Worship Service Bulletin
11:00am – Traditional Worship Service Bulletin
Bible Study – “Shimmying Up the Syncamore” (Luke 19:1-10 (NRSVue)
Sermon Art – “Jesus Encounters Zacchaeus” from Book of Pericopes of the Monastery of Saint Erentrud, Austrian (Salzburg), 1140, Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
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All of Immanuel’s sermons are available in our Library of Sermons
Other Sermons In This Series
Making Our Way Stage by Stage
June 11, 2023
A Tale of Two Prayers
October 22, 2022
The Voice of the Shepherd
April 30, 2023