Hardiness: The Spiritual Benefits of Adversity

Hardiness: The Spiritual Benefits of Adversity

Scripture: Hebrews 12:1-3 (NRSVue)

Hebrews 12:2 tells us Christ is the “pioneer and perfecter of our faith.” Christ is not only a living example for us, he’s working in us to exhibit the character trait psychologists call “hardiness,” where we cultivate a greater resilience to stress and adversity. Keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus who endured the cross for us, we’re given a confidence that God is with us and we can find purpose, make meaning, and persevere in the race of faith, even in the hardest of circumstances that are thrown our way. With the eyes of faith and the hardy heart of Christ, adversity trains us to confide in one another and be encouraged by faithful believers over the centuries who ran their race well. By seeing adversity as a challenge, rather than a threat, we can keep moving forward in faith, and embrace a more fearless and joyful approach to living until we reach the finish line of glory.


September 25, 2022
8:30am – Alternative Worship Service Bulletin
11:00am – Traditional Worship Service Bulletin

Bible Study – “Hardiness–The Spiritual Benefits of Adversity”  (Hebrews 12:1-3 NRSVue)

Sermon Art: “Power” by Hansuan Fabregas, São Paulo/Brasil

All Immanuel sermons are available in our Library of Sermons



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