Forgiveness – The Mercy of God
Scripture: Luke 6:27-35 (NRSVue)
There are a number of things that make Jesus stick out from all spiritual teachers: his divinity, his resurrection, and many of his teachings. Bible scholars generally agree (that doesn’t happen too often!) that Jesus’ teaching in our Scripture today is one that truly sets him apart from all others: the command to love your enemies. Jesus took key ideas from his religious tradition (Judaism) and intensified them. In other words, this is one of the toughest commands he gave to us. However, the good news is that Jesus helps us do what we could never do on our own. He resides in us (individually and collectively as the Body of Christ) and loves and blesses our enemies through us. With our cooperation, he makes it possible. And it is a gamechanger that breaks our cycles of conflict and animosity. It is good for us, good for everyone, and good for the world.
August 14, 2022 – Worship Service Bulletin
Sermon Art: Christ the Good Shepherd, Julia Bridget Hayes, Ikonographics
All Immanuel sermons are available in our Library of Sermons
Other Sermons In This Series
Calm in the Storm and Calming the Storm
August 21, 2022
Hardiness: The Spiritual Benefits of Adversity
September 25, 2022
Called to Freedom
August 27, 2022