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The Radical Rabbi Who Was Always Disappearing

Category: Calling, Faith, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Leadership, Mission

August 30, 2020

Scripture: Acts 1: 6-11 (NRSV) When you carefully study Jesus’ life, yet another bad habit crops up: he disappeared and re-appeared…a lot. When Jesus was twelve, he was separated from his parents for three days...

The Radical Rabbi Who Thought He Was God

Category: Death, Faith, Jesus

August 23, 2020

Scripture: John 8:48-59 (NRSV) Jesus is radical because he didn’t let us come to the safe conclusion that he was just another great moral teacher. He was more demanding than that. He’s still demanding. If...

The Radical Rabbi Who Bucked Conventional Wisdom

Category: Death, Jesus, Leadership, Relationships, Struggles, Wisdom

August 16, 2020

Scripture: Mark 10:35-45 (NRSV) The copper coins in Jesus’ day showed the head of the reigning emperor with this inscription: “He who deserves adoration.” Not many years after Christ’s death and resurrection, Roman Emperor Galba...

The Radical Rabbi Who Was Very Demanding

Scripture: Mark 8:34-38 (NRSV) The words of Christ we’re about to hear today go to the heart and soul—the very center of Christianity. Jesus never watered down his words or buttered up his audience to...

The Radical Rabbi Who Slept on the Job

Category: Faith, Jesus, Miracles

August 2, 2020

Scripture: Mark 4:35-41 (NRSV) Jesus wasn’t too concerned about “rocking the boat.” He regularly offended people, especially ticking off those in high places. He didn’t hang out with the right people. He talked with a...