The Redemptive Story of Christmas
Scripture: Luke 2:1-20 (NRSV)
The good news of Christmas is that God meets us in that baby in a manger. And encountering that baby in swaddling cloths, we encounter the true power of God. Not the power of Caesar nor the power of the sword, but a Higher Power that can bring the power of shalom. Peace that passeth all understanding. From the Christ child we learn about true power–that it’s not found in a palace or a temple, but in “a babe bound in swaddling cloths in a manger.” This same child would later say, “I have come not to be served, but to serve, and to give my life as a ransom to many.” Christmas is a transcendent story–it’s out of this world. Miraculous. But it’s also an earthy, even gritty story of God becoming one of us. Doing for us what we could never do. Showing us how it’s done. How to love God. Love our neighbor. Love ourselves. Love our enemies. And with Christ born anew in our hearts, he acts in us and through us, turning our stories of despair and defeat into redemption stories. Jesus’ story is no run of the mill story. It’s a story of love. Of struggle. Forgiveness. Healing. Bringing freedom and deliverance. Purpose to our suffering. Hope. Rescue. Release. Salvation. And joy. This Christmas and always, I want his story to shape my story. And Christ’ story to shape your story.
December 24, 2021 – Worship Service Bulletin (7:00 pm live feed service)
Sermon Art:
“Nativity” by Tausha Schumann (bulletin)
“Nativity” by Theodore Kern, Wardown Park Museum, UK (website and sermon)
All of our sermons are available in our Library of Sermons.
Other Sermons In This Series

Waiting Patiently
December 27, 2020

Candlelight Christmas Eve Service
December 24, 2022

Good News of Great Joy
December 24, 2019