The Radical Rabbi Who Broke the Rules
Scripture: Luke 6:1-11 (NRSV)
We human beings love rules. We’re drawn to them because they give us certainty, clarity, and control. We can call the shots and play the referee. We of course need rules for society to function smoothly—traffic rules, game rules, laws of the land that are just. So it’s interesting to see how Jesus had a real problem with people who rigidly lived by the rules. And they didn’t like Jesus either, “Who does he think he is, anyway?” Jesus refused to play by the human rules of religion. Jesus was concerned with helping hurting people. Jesus broke the rules… to bless you.
July 12, 2020 Service Bulletin and Bible Study
Sermon Art: “Christ Pantocrator” Deesis Mosaic, Hagia Sophia Museum, Istanbul, Turkey
All Sermons by Dr. John C. Tittle are available in our Library of Sermons.
Other Sermons In This Series

The Radical Rabbi Who Was Very Demanding
August 09, 2020

The Radical Rabbi Who Was Always Disappearing
August 30, 2020

The Radical Rabbi Who Slept on the Job
August 02, 2020