The Garden of Gethsemane
Scripture: Mark 14:32-52 (NRSV)
Three times Jesus prays for deliverance.
Three times the answer from God is “no.”
Three times Jesus says to the disciples, “watch and pray.”
Three times the three disciples are found sleeping.
Three times Peter will deny Christ.
Jesus still beckons us:
Stop running here and there, all frenzied.
Sit here while I pray.
Be prayerful. Be alert.
Don’t panic, but be aware.
One theologian has said, Jesus’ message can be boiled down to this phrase: Pay attention. Faith gives us peace, but our faith also needs to trouble us, sober us up. Make us uncomfortable—a little sleepless sometimes. Don’t miss the moment and sleepwalk through life…“Sit here, while I pray.”
Sermon Art: “Gethsemane” by Simon Dewey
Sermons by Dr. John C. Tittle are available in our Library of Sermons.
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