The Beatitudes: An Overview

The Beatitudes: An Overview

Scripture: Matthew 5:1-12 (NRSVue)

The Beatitudes’ influence is all around us, whether we know it or not. The proverb “patience is a virtue” comes from a poem about the Beatitudes. You can find the Beatitudes in Nobel Peace Prize speeches, in political debates, and discussions about ethics, justice, and theology over the millennia. Many say the Beatitudes are the most influential spiritual teaching ever uttered in world history. They are at the very heart of Christianity and the perfect summation and distillation of Christ’s teachings. The Beatitudes are the Magna Carta of the Kingdom. The Manifesto of the King. You could say the Sermon on the Mount is the Beginner’s Guide to the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. And if we claim to follow Christ as Christians, and if the Spirit of Christ resides in us, and if we believe we the church are the Body of Christ, the Beatitudes will also describe Jesus’ disciples–us! These eight blessings are paradoxical, inspiring, challenging, counterintuitive, countercultural, comforting, and uncomfortable. They will lovingly mess with your assumptions and your politics–no matter what party or political system you prescribe too. The Beatitudes will rock your boat and rock our world!


February 6, 2022 – Online Service Bulletin and Bible Study

All of our sermons are available in our Library of Sermons.

Sermon Art: Beatitudes Project Art Card by Stu Garrard



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