I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Scripture: John 14:4-7 (NRSV)
This week we conclude our series entitled “I Am” from Jesus’ words in the Gospel according to John. One thing that jumps out about Jesus’ I AM statements is that they are full of life:
I am the Bread of Life.
I am the Resurrection and the Life.
I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Everything Midas touched turned to gold, but everything Jesus touches turns to… LIFE. “You want a real life?” Jesus says, “I’m where it’s at. Let my life, be your life.” Jesus is the personified path that leads to true life.
November 21, 2021 – Online Service Bulletin and Bible Study
Sermon Art: “Christ the King”
All of our sermons are available in our Library of Sermons.
Other Sermons In This Series

One Flock, One Shepherd
November 14, 2021

I Am the Resurrection and the Life
November 07, 2021

I Am the Door
October 31, 2021