Hungering for Relationship
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 4:7-12 (NLT)
“The being of God,” notes Orthodox theologian John Zizioulas, “is a relational being: without the concept of communion it would not be possible to speak of God.” Created in the Triune God’s image, we too are relational beings. We need relationships just about as much as we need oxygen, water, and food. We’ve all been hard-wired for human connection–with family, friends, those we look up to, and those we serve. Relationships help us cope with stress, enjoy mental well-being, experience personal meaning, and grow spiritually. Our spiritual life is a sharing in or participation in the love between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. By God’s grace we can extend this limitless love back to God and to those around us. Our most important belongings are not things…but people.
September 12, 2021 – Online Service Bulletin and Bible Study
Sermon Art: “Two Women at a Window” by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, ca. 1655–60 (public domain)
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Other Sermons In This Series
Delight in Beauty
October 17, 2021
A Longing for Justice
October 03, 2021
The Search for Meaning
October 10, 2021