Above Every Name
Scripture: Ephesians 1:15-23 (NRSVue)
Bible commentators over the years have described this first chapter of Ephesians in various ways, as a: gateway, golden chain, kaleidoscope, snowball, racehorse, an operatic overture, and a flight of an eagle. This chapter soars in its description of Christ’s supremacy, majesty, and mystery like none other. And the beauty of it is that we are “in Christ,” meaning that what Jesus provides we can enjoy and experience by God’s grace. This message of good news and gospel of salvation re-enchants our faith once again when life has left us disenchanted. In Christ, we have hope in this age…and the age to come.
November 26, 2023
8:30 am – Alternative Worship Service Bulletin (click)
11:00 am – Traditional Worship Service Bulletin (click)
All of Immanuel’s Worship Service Videos are available on our YouTube Channel.
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Bible Study Discussion Questions – Ephesians 1:15-23 (NRSVue)
- Paul likely composed this letter while under house arrest and chained to a Roman soldier. What does that say of his faith in light of the tone of these verses? How can this inspire our faith today?
- Paul opens our eyes to the enchantedness of our faith. What are some ways believers have allowed the mystery of our faith to become disenchanted? How can we cultivate a deeper sense of awe and mystery about our faith today?
- Paul calls us “saints” or “holy ones.” What do you think it means for us today?
- What are some common phrases that you see repeated in the passage?
- What does Paul mean by saying that we are “in Christ?”
- How would you describe God’s activity in the world based upon this passage? God’s motivations?
- Why did God choose us?
- What is the difference between being chosen and destined and “fate” and “inevitability?”
- What do you think it means for all things on heaven and earth to be gathered up in Christ Jesus?
- In the ancient world, for something to be sealed was a mark of ownership. What does it mean to you that we are sealed by the Holy Spirit?
- What does it mean to live to the praise of God’s glory?