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How to Live with Uncertainty

Category: Spiritual Growth, Struggles, Wisdom

April 26, 2020

Scripture: James 4: 13-17 (NLT) Psychologists have found that there seems to be one common factor for anxiety of any kind: uncertainty. Another word for anxiety is “ambiguity aversion.”  Anxiety is the inability or refusal...

How to Be Alone

Category: Healing/Renewal, Spiritual Growth, Struggles, Wisdom

April 19, 2020

Scripture: Psalm 119: 1-14, 23-24 (NRSV) During this season of shelter we are alone a lot more often. Thankfully our faith can teach us about how to be alone in a redemptive way that will...

Easter – RIP-Rise in Power

Category: Easter, Hope, Jesus, Spiritual Growth

April 12, 2020

Scripture: Matthew 28:1-10 (NRSV) Resurrection is a new call to discipleship. “Come,” says Jesus, “and follow me—again!” Don’t linger at the tomb—he’s not to be found there. But you will find the Man from Galilee—up...

Good Friday Tenebrae Service

Category: Death, Holy Week, Jesus, Struggles

April 10, 2020

Scripture: John 18:1-40; John 19:1-42 (NRSV) The word “tenebrae” comes from the Latin meaning “darkness.” The Tenebrae service first began in the 4th century and utilizes the entrancing imagery of gradually diminishing light to symbolize...

The Gospel According to Donkeys

Category: Jesus, Leadership, Palm Sunday, Wisdom

April 5, 2020

Scripture: Matthew 21:1-11 (NRSV) Donkeys have a bad rap in the animal kingdom. They just can’t shake the reputation of being sub-par, substandard, subservient, stubborn, and just plain stupid. But nothing could be further from the truth. Let us...

The Two Thieves

Category: Death, Doubt, Hope, Jesus, Lent

March 29, 2020

Scripture: Luke 23:39-43 (NRSV) Memory is powerful. When someone doesn’t forget us, our heart is touched. Remembering to pick up that item at the grocery store your loved one requested. Remembering a name. We don’t...